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Array Data Structure

Last update: 2/2/2019 1:31:00 AM

Written by Fatih Kabakci

Array is a data structure that its items are ordered with index values in the random access memory. Each item in arrays has a index value starting from 0. Indexes are the integer numbers that describe where items are. The address of an array points out the same address of the first item of an array. Since the first element is 0 distance away from the head of array, therefore, array indexes start from 0.

int[] arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

arr[0] -> 1
arr[1] -> 2
arr[2] -> 3 
arr[3] -> 4
arr[4] -> 5

In order to access an item of an array, which is O(1), index values are provided like above. While accessing a data is pretty easy that is advantage of random access, inserting and removing operations are hard and require O(n) complexity because of shifting operation. Besides that, the implementation of array applications requires arrays to be initialized in fix size in first.

For instance, suppose there is an array with 10 items in first. If you need to add another item which will be 11th, then you have to re-initialize the array in new fix size in order to store 11th item. Arrays are very popular data structure in the applications where you are pretty sure how many items you will store.

Briefly, to be able to access an item is very easy. You just need to provide the index value of that item. The complexity is O(1). However, since there is a fixed size structure, you might have to think both the first size of the array whether its capacity will exceed after an insertion operation, and shifting operations will be enforced after a deletion or updating operation unless this updating operation is not just editing a data.

ArrayList - Dynamic Arrays

We mentioned that there is a limitation in array because of the uncertain size information unless you have to be sure. Java has provided ArrayList since Java 1.2 for dynamic array operations. So, the size of array increases or decreases as long as you add or remove items. After a certain number, if the size hits the capacity, ArrayList size will increase.

List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>():

list.get(0) -> 1
list.get(1) -> 2
list.get(2) -> 3
list.get(3) -> 4
list.get(4) -> 5

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