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How to import eclipse project

Last update: 10/25/2016 9:41:00 AM


It can be seen that Eclipse is one of the most useful code development environments even when you need to import a project from outside. To import a project to Eclipse, basically the following steps should be done.

1. Start Eclipse

Be aware that where your workspace is located on.

Go to File -> Import on Eclipse

2. Select import source

Under either General -> Existing Projects into Workspace or General -> File System that depends on where your project is

Then click next to browse a directory. If you come from workspace choice, Eclipse is going to ask you what the root directory is.

3. Choose the project path

Choose what project you would like to import.

Then, you click Finish.

That's all. Now, you should be able to see the project that you've imported in package explorer on Eclipse.

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