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Domino Game

Last update:2/13/2012 1:53:00 PM

Owner and writer:Fatih KABAKCI

The purpose of this project is to examine concept of tree that commonly used in computer science and write Domino game in C programming language by this model of data structure.Domino is mental game that can be played between 2 or n person by 28 the flat stones.



Firstly,arrival to Europe of the Domino which started to play in Chine on the 3rd century is the base on 18th century.At Domino which plays by the 28 stones,every player starts by 7 stones.Other stones remain in the bank.if the user has no stone that should play,it can take from the bank.The beginning of the game,the player who has the highest precious stone starts the game.And then every player put to continue the stone on the table.The stones which located on the table, at least one double-face,must match.

For example,if a player plays 2:1,next to 2:1 which the next player will put the stone must be 1 or 2.if the user has no stone that should put,it must take from the bank.if the bank has not stone and if the player can not play,it loses the right.if any player gains 7 score the game ends.if a player or a team win the game,a group that wins the game gains 50,100,250 or 500 score and the game ends.

Sample image of the program is shown as below


application of the project file can be downloaded here as described above
node *oyunAgaci(node *tree,node *bas,int sol,int sag) { // bilgisayarin hamlelerini yapmasini sagladigi fonksiyon
     while(tree!=NULL) {  
     if(tree->sol==sol && tree->sag==sag) {
     else if(tree->sol > sol)
     if(tree!=NULL && tree->konum==1) 
     return tree;
     while(tree!=NULL) {
     if((tree->sol==sol && tree->sag==sol) || (tree->sol==sag && tree->sag==sag)) {
     else if(tree->sol > sol)
     if(tree!=NULL && tree->konum==1)
     return tree; 
     while(tree!=NULL) {
     if(tree->sag==sag || tree->sol==sol || tree->sag==sol || tree->sol==sag) {
     return tree;
     else if(tree->sol > sol)
     return bas;

Integration of artificial intelligence of Computer which the rival of user is given as above by tree of game.The project code of one of The tree algorithms that there are lots of artificial intelligence problems are shared for is an important milestone in the literature for you.

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